Wednesday Crosswalk
Begins Wednesday, March 5th at 7:00 PM
Revive Youth Group, Berean Kids Children’s Program, & Nursery Provided
Jesus. Love. Evangelism.
You are invited to worship God with us. Whether you are a new follower of Christ, a Christian looking for a loving church home, or curious about the Jesus of the Bible, we would love to have you visit us. The worship service is exciting yet, God-honoring. Berean Baptist Church is certainly a place for you and your family to experience the love of Jesus.
About Us
Our staff, doctrine, and ministries.
Find out what is upcoming around the church.
Online giving is available for your convenience.
Access member information.
Service Times
Sunday School – 10:00 AM • Worship Service – 11:00 AM
Sunday Night – 6:00 PM
Wednesday Service – 7:00 PM
Our Heartbeat
We believe in fulfilling the Great Commission by spreading the Gospel locally, globally, and through our Bible-printing ministry.

Something for Everyone
From nursery age to senior saints, we have something for everyone.
- Bearing Precious Seed Bibles
- Camp Berean
- Food Pantry
- Bus Ministry
- Revive - Teen Ministry
- Berean Kids - Children's Ministry
- Reformer's Unanimous
- College & Career Club/Young Adults
- Ladies Bible Study
- Children's Outreach - VBS, Easter Egg Hunt, Trunk or Treat
- Friend Day Outreach
- Seenagers
What We Believe
Our doctrine is important to who we are as a church, but also as Christ-followers.

Bill Blakely
Who We Are
Our leadership team works under our Pastor and is available to our church and community members.
Upcoming Events
- March 16
Mission Board Mtg
March 16 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
- March 19
Berean Kids
March 19 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM -
March 19 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM -
Revive Youth Group
March 19 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM